After three years preparation, planning and construction, we are pleased to announce that we have successfully relocated to a new facility with improved facilities and more spacious space. enablingour production more efficientwith better and more stablequality, Let's look forwa
Today, We are getting into the very important day -6 new high-speed stamping machine are arrived at our factory, Together with the existingones, there are 18 units from 45T to 180T, which is an important step in the success of our projectsand marks the next stage of our engineering
时间:3月17-20日(2024年定档3月17-20日)频次:一年一届地址:深圳国际会展中心(广东省深圳市宝安区福海街道展城路1号)规模:32万平米 深圳圳家居设计周暨深圳国际家具展,创立于1996年,由深圳市家具行业协会、居然之家、富森美家居联合主办,深圳创意产业联盟协办,深圳市德赛展览有限公司