当第一眼看到时,这是沙发吗?没错,这就是智能沙发中的变形金刚,随意变形,真想亲眼目睹它的风采。 这是由一片片六边形组成的东东就是一套模块化智能沙发。它的每一个模块都是一个可升降的蜂巢状正六边形座椅。每个座椅都可以通过内置的马达单独调节高度,可调节的范围为480mm-780mm。正六边形
当第一眼看到时,这是沙发吗?没错,这就是智能沙发中的变形金刚,随意变形,真想亲眼目睹它的风采。 这是由一片片六边形组成的东东就是一套模块化智能沙发。它的每一个模块都是一个可升降的蜂巢状正六边形座椅。每个座椅都可以通过内置的马达单独调节高度,可调节的范围为480mm-780mm。正六边形
After three years preparation, planning and construction, we are pleased to announce that we have successfully relocated to a new facility with improved facilities and more spacious space. enablingour production more efficientwith better and more stablequality, Let's look forwa
Today, We are getting into the very important day -6 new high-speed stamping machine are arrived at our factory, Together with the existingones, there are 18 units from 45T to 180T, which is an important step in the success of our projectsand marks the next stage of our engineering