展览时间:2023年8月18-21日 - 上午9:00-下午5:00展览地点:东莞厚街-广东现代国际展览中心展览面积:超65万平方米展会官网 国际名家具(东莞)展览会于1999年3月创办,是其旗下广东现代会展管理有限公司主办的独立展览项目,迄今已成功举办49届。 经过24年的大力发展,名家具展从
展览时间:2023年8月18-21日 - 上午9:00-下午5:00展览地点:东莞厚街-广东现代国际展览中心展览面积:超65万平方米展会官网 国际名家具(东莞)展览会于1999年3月创办,是其旗下广东现代会展管理有限公司主办的独立展览项目,迄今已成功举办49届。 经过24年的大力发展,名家具展从
More than half of 2023 is in the books. Another market in Las Vegas may give indications of how business is progressing. I suspect when it is all over we will hear the following:Business is soft but improving.So-and-so had the hottest collection.Traffic was off, but those that were there were buying
HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam —HawaExpo 2024, an export furniture fair of Vietnam, has officially set its dates for next year for March 6-9.Gathering 700 exhibitors and 3,000 booths, next year’s exhibition will feature new segments, including interior design, decorative products and hospitality
DELHI, India — The autumn edition of IHGF Delhi Fair, organized by theExport Promotion Council for Handicrafts, India, is set for Oct. 12-16 with a new concurrent Delhi Fair Furniture Showcase.With more than 3,000 exhibitors lined up, the event will be held at the India Expo Centre & Mart
7月28日,为期四天的“第十五届苏州家具展览会”以崭新姿态在苏州国际博览中心开幕。 本届展会规模10万平方米,参展商600家,展会将进一步扩容,在原有套房系列、软体家具、办公家具、两厅家具及供应链板块的基础上,融入潮流设计、全屋定制、家居生活、软装艺