今日家居最新报道,2023年6月份,美国家具制造商的新订单与去年同期相比增长了23%,与5月份15%的增长速度相比有所加快但出货量却同比下降了28%!根据美国会计师事务所Smith Leonard的最新一期《家具观察》报告,2022年6月的新订单数据,当时是同比下降了39%,由于去年的低基数,这表明本月的增长可能并不像表面看起来那么乐
今日家居最新报道,2023年6月份,美国家具制造商的新订单与去年同期相比增长了23%,与5月份15%的增长速度相比有所加快但出货量却同比下降了28%!根据美国会计师事务所Smith Leonard的最新一期《家具观察》报告,2022年6月的新订单数据,当时是同比下降了39%,由于去年的低基数,这表明本月的增长可能并不像表面看起来那么乐
ROME, Ga. – Fifth-generation-ownedHeritage Sleep Conceptshas more than doubled its retail base, invested in new machinery, expanded into six states and tripled its manufacturing footprint over the past eight years.The company traces its roots back 105 years when J.H. Sanford started San
9月11-14/15日,第二十八届中国国际家具展暨2023摩登上海时尚家居展(简称:2023浦东家具家居双展),将在上海新国际博览中心和世博展览馆盛大开幕!双展联动,双馆齐开,聚焦原创设计和高端品质,推动家居生活方式的创新,让世界看到中国的原创! 本届展会将以300,0
LONDON – Spot container rates have fallen two weeks in a row after climbing for six consecutive weeks. Spot rates fell 1.6% this week to $1,739 per 40-foot container. Last week, they fell 3.5%.According toDrewry’s World Container Indextracking indicator, spot rates from Shanghai to Los
SHANGHAI —FurnitureChina2023 and Maison Shanghai 2023, set for Sept. 11-15 in Shanghai, will be themed “In Now” to reflect the rise of the Gen Z shoppers as new consumers with diverse living propositions.The event, hosted by Shanghai Sinoexpo Informa Markets International Exhibi