From all of us to all of you, a safe, healthy and happy holiday season...Wish you all the best in upcoming 2024!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones ...A sincere “THANK YOU “ from the bottom of our heart for your patronage and support !We, at Southern Star & KayTechnology Hardware consider you as part of our international family and looking forward to your continued support !
万圣节起源于古代凯尔特人,他们认为在每年的10月31日,妖魔鬼怪会从地狱中释放出来肆虐人间。为了防止被鬼怪捉弄,人们要穿上各种各样奇特的服装,并在家中燃起篝火来驱赶邪恶的力量。凯尔特人的这一传统被罗马人继承,成为后来欧洲万圣节的雏形。 欧洲的万圣节有着深厚的民间传说。